Property Management Blog

Top 8 Amenities Renters Can’t Resist in Raleigh

Property Management Blog
Potential Tenants often compare nearby amenities when searching for rental units. As a landlord, knowing what amenities are most popular, will increase the likelihood of attracting quality tenants. To make renters happy, you ... read more >>

Becoming a DIY Landlord? 6 Mistakes to Avoid

Property Management Blog
First time landlords may think that running a rental home is a breeze. You just advertise, accept a renter, and collect the rent. Unfortunately that’s the most basic overview of managing a rental home. It requires learning s... read more >>

What Is Real Estate Crowdfunding?

Property Management Blog
Real estate crowdfunding is a great strategy for raising money quickly, in order to purchase property. It is a method of gathering money online through different social media and Internet platforms, from large groups of potential ... read more >>

What is Appreciation In Real Estate?

Property Management Blog
When getting into real estate, among other real estate terminology you will encounter, is “appreciation”. It simply means that your property’s value increases over time. You must thoroughly understand real estate... read more >>

Tips to Welcome New Tenants

Property Management Blog
Renting out your home will allow you to earn a stable passive income while also growing your equity and wealth over time. However, retaining tenants for the long term can be challenging. High tenant turnover rates can lead to unex... read more >>

How to Grow Your Rental Portfolio 

Property Management Blog
Investing in real estate can be a great way to grow your wealth and equity over the long term. Moreover, by investing in rental properties, you can also earn a steady passive income each month.Thank said, owning just one rental pr... read more >>

6 Best Ways of Retaining a Tenant

Property Management Blog
As a potential or current landlord, you should appreciate the part that a quality tenant plays in the success of your property investment. A quality tenant is someone who pays their rent on time and complies with the terms of the ... read more >>

Important Factors for Real Estate Investing

Property Management Blog
Few assets and investment options can compete with the potential and stability that real estate offers to individuals and households. Over the years, real estate investment has proven to be the #1 asset for investors. When done ri... read more >>

Dealing With Noise Complaints

Property Management Blog
Are you a landlord finding yourself needing to address noise complaints from tenants? Noise disputes can be challenging, but they're a part of property management that can't be ignored. Whether it's late-night parties ... read more >>

Holdover Tenant

Property Management Blog
Managing rental properties can be rewarding, but it comes with its fair share of challenges. One such challenge landlords must be prepared to handle is the issue of holdover tenants. These tenants remain in the rental unit after t... read more >>
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